Shredded Cabbage Pancakes


½ yellow onion, diced

4 cups shredded cabbage

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt and pepper

6 Tbs flour

3 beaten eggs

A handful of chopped fennel fronds or fresh dill

Oil for frying

To serve: sour cream and fresh herbs


  1. In a bowl, combine diced yellow onion, shredded cabbage, baking powder, salt and pepper, flour, eggs, and chopped fennel fronds or dill. Mix well until combined.
  2. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and fill with 1/8” oil. Use ¼ cup measuring cup or ice cream scoop to portion the mixture into the hot oil. Flatten down slightly in the pan with a spatula so it resembles a latke or pancake. Fry for 4-6 minutes per side or until golden brown, flipping and frying both sides.
  3. Remove to drain on a paper towel-lined plate and serve with a dollop of sour cream and fresh herbs.

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